Wednesday, August 8, 2012

So Many Changes

This last month has been crazy to say the least. Crazy in every sense of the word. I wrote up this long summary of the day the boys were born but I never got a chance to finish it and I have since lost interest in describing what I felt on that wonderful day. Since then, the boys have been home and things have been quite a learning experience. I've learned about their different types of cries, different types of formula, different positions to hold them to get a burp out...but that first week for me was very hard. Changing them for the first few times at home was tough for me because they would be screaming their little heads off while I cleaned them. (they still do that btw) and then they would pee on me and I would freak out and get frazzled. And then I would get emotional when I would see their little tears because i would think i wasnt doing a good job. But Lisa has been there to help me out and encourage me to remain calm. And also teach me a few things about soothing them. That's probably been the biggest change for me...turning into a "dad".

I love watching them sleep, seeing their funny facial reactions. Sometimes they laugh out loud too which my sister has said when they do that, the angels are playing with them. I've always felt like my dad has been my guardian angel since he passed and its comforting to think he's playing with them in their little dreams. I know he's watching over all of us.

I love sneaking in kisses when they're fidgeting for a bottle. I actually had to shave off my stache cuz Lisa claims its irrititating their skin. But I don't believe it. Isnt it just baby acne?! Either way, I'm never gonna stop kissing them while they're this little because I will never get this time back with them. Each day goes by and they get bigger and bigger and they will soon not want to cuddle at all once they start crawling around.

Our house has also changed since they have arrived. Baby stuff is everywhere! We actually bought new couches because our sectional just wasn't cutting it anymore. And of course the day we bought the couch our living room TV broke! Yes ive been dying to get a new TV for a few years now but the timing was just so funny. We got a leather sofa and loveseat this time so we have more room down here. And I just ordered a new plasma from amazon which I can't wait to set up.

This parenting stuff is hard work. I may be sleep deprived but there's nothing more rewarding than spending time with Lisa and our sons especially this early in the game. That father-son bond is growing each day and I love it.

Can't wait to share some more thoughts with all of you. Below are a few pics of our sweet little guys and also our new Living Room set! (we ran out of bibs yesterday and had to do a wash so yeah, pink was all we had hahaha)


  1. I love the photo of the boys with their blue vests! So cute. I really, really can't wait to meet them. And don't worry about the sleep...your body will adjust and soon you'll be wondering how you ever slept so much before! Sending hugs!

  2. Mommy bought those blue vests from Trinidad and said I used to rock something similar when I was a baby. Those pretty vests didn't stay pretty too long after that photo was taken. 1 of them peed all over it hahahaha. As for sleep, its funny how refreshed I feel after getting 1 hour in!
