Monday, July 30, 2012

The Boys!

I've neglected to blog for the past month but with good reason! On June 30th 2012, our boys were born. Jericho David and Grayson Felix came into this world on a beautiful Saturday morning at 10:55am and 10:56am respectively. On Friday night, we went to the hospital because Lisa's BP was pretty high and was showing no signs of going down. So we both took a shower and got ready and decided to take all of our bags with us 'just in case.' I also took my camera bag, I definitely didn't want to leave that at home!

So we headed to JCMC where we've been going for all of our appointments and was hooked up to take another NST. Soon after, the doctors came in and said they were admitting her overnight because her BP was still high and being that she is pregnant with twins at 36 weeks, there is a chance that something bad can happen if we were sent home. She was put on strict bed rest for the first time and she hated it, mainly because of the bathroom situation hahaha. But anyway, I slept on the couch and was pretty cold because for some reason, I decided to go to the hospital wearing short sleeves. But anyway, so I probably got about 2 hours of sleep and woke up around 6am. Then our doctor who was on call that day happened to be at the hospital so he peeked on to check on us and said "it's a sign that you're here. lets go ahead and do the c-section today." When he left the room, I was like "HuuWhhatttt?!!!!" hahahha We were totally excited and caught off guard honestly. We both thought we were gonna get sent home. So we made our phone calls to our families and friends and everyone was crazy excited. The C-section was scheduled for 10:30am. They wheeled Lissy in first to get prepped and numbed and whatnot and I stayed behind in our room waiting for the nurse to call me in. I was quite nervous and excited. I said a silent prayer for Lisa and the boys and just daydreamed, thinking what these little humans will look like. Finally after 15 minutes, they called me in to the OR and there I saw Lissy all laid out with a huge curtain covering her bottom half. After hearing the doctors yapping in the back, I tried my best to keep Lissy entertained. I was so amped for this. The nurse stood me up as they were about to pull out Jericho and seeing that wasn't disgusting at all. It was the most beautiful rewarding experience of my entire life. As soon as he popped out, I saw his face and said "holy shit, he looks just like Lisa!"

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