Monday, August 13, 2012

6 Weeks

Jericho and Grayson are now 6 weeks old. It seems like just yesterday we took them home from the hospital. Time really flew by...I actually go back to work next Monday and I know it's gonna be so hard to leave them. Right now the boys are being fed 3 times at night. Usually around midnight, 3:30am and 6:30am. Give or take an hour for each feeding, but that's pretty much the gist of how our nights go.

The formula situation has been the most stressful part for us. Grayson has been the more difficult baby. He has acid reflux and after unsuccessfully changing formulas to stop/ease it, we had no choice but to put the poor guy on meds. He's taking Zantac twice a day and I think it's helping. He's still spitting up after his meals but he's no longer in pain which is great. We switched his formula back to Enfamil AR which is a thicker rice-based formula which is specifically meant for spitting up but this kid still spits up like an hour after being fed and elevated. We're not really sure what to try next but we're gonna stick with this formula for the next few weeks until our next doctor appointment. Not sure if he's spitting up because he's being fed too much [3oz for a 6 week old baby sounds right, right?] or maybe he doesn't like the kind of milk? He's on a preemie nipple so the flow is just right for him so we know its not that. The good part is that he's keeping down more than he's spitting up.

Jericho is on Enfamil Gentlease and he's been handling it well. He poops a lot from it but of course, we google it to make sure that's normal and all the forums on BabyCenter have said it's fine. Grayson is still the heavier bigger baby weighing in at 7lbs 10oz and Jericho isn't too far behind at 6lbs 6oz. Jericho actually fills in his carseat much better now than when we first brought him home and he's got some more meat on his bones.

Lately the past couple of nights, Lisa and I have split the parental duties per kid. I would handle everything for Gray and she would take care of Jericho. This has worked out great because the boys are on different schedules now, maybe an hour apart and this way, we can each get in more sleep. We get about 4 hours of sleep per day...on good days, we'll even remember to take a shower and eat...We've been sleeping in the living room the last few weeks because its just been more convenient in terms of bottle preparing. Most of our sleeping "gadgets" are downstairs too like our bouncer seats and swing. Grayson loves the swing and can fall asleep within minutes but Jericho hates it, probably because he's still a little guy and doesn't really fit into it properly.

I just got word that the new TV for our LR has shipped and will be here by Wednesday woohoo!! Cant wait!

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