Thursday, August 23, 2012

Happy 60th Birthday Mom!

Below is a picture I came across at mommy's house. I love finding pics of my parents from back in the day and this one especially because I've never seen it. There's nothing like going through old albums of my childhood, turning the thick pages as they squeak because they havent been opened in so long, and peeling back that clear sheet of sticky plastic that holds the pictures in place. In this digital age, hard copy photo albums to kids today are like 8-track players to me when I was younger. From the look of each picture, it's so easy to tell when it was shot. And it's funny that we apply the same Instagram filters to achieve these same effects that I find in every picture. I guess that's why Instagram is so popular. We all have that inherent need to reminisce and think of old times that made us smile. This picture here makes me smile for a number of reasons. I love seeing mom and dad together in pictures when they were younger. They loved dressing up and dressing us up too. It's funny that I've never EVER seen my parents in a pair of jeans. Crazy talk right? What's also great about this picture is the background. This was taken in our old apartment on Baldwin ave. Behind them on the wall is our family portrait taken when I was about 3 or 4 and mommy still has that hanging on her wall today. I also see our old TV with that antenna and our stereo on the left. I remember spending so many hours in front of our old stereo recording hip hop off the radio onto cassette tapes when we moved to Seaview. Of course, my sister Meera did this all the time in our room using her black double decker radio and I wanted to be like her, so I did the same! Hahaha definitely good ol days.

Growing up as the youngest, only son, ive definitely been the momma's boy. I don't think I was ever really spoiled and neither were my sisters but I was definitely attached to her when I was younger. I remember taking the bus every morning with her to Bergen School and we would play a hand-clapping game and she would let me pull the string to ring the bell which was the signal for the driver to stop the bus. Those were some beautiful times that pictures wouldn't even do it justice.

Anyway, I just want to wish my mom a very happy birthday and her grandsons love her very much!

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