Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bonding with Jericho

The last 2 weeks, me and Lisa found that one of us taking care of both babies at night is really rough especially when their feeding schedule is so close. When they first came home, we both would try to do that so the other can get some sleep but were always unsuccessful. I would usually end up waking Lisa anyway because I would get peed on and would freak out. (now I've become a pro at changing them...sorta) So after we decided to assign one kid to each of us, Lisa always wound up with Jericho mainly cuz he poops a lot more and I hate changing poop (cuz I always get peed on cuz I take a long time cleaning his little butt). And Lisa said I have better luck feeding Gray aka the spit-up king. Gray would actually sleep more throughout the night...which was a plus for me! But I would always stay awake longer after feeding him to keep him elevated and make sure he doesn't spit up. I've heard stories of babies choking on their spit up and it really freaked me out...those stories I read on baby center aka the site with all the crazy bitches sharing every story of their "LO" (Little One - shorthand on the site which took me like 20min to decipher.) anyway, so where was I? I'm blogging on my phone while Gray takes a nap on my lap a few nights ago, we switched babies and I took care of Jericho. Everything went smoothly up until 4am where he had a bottle and actually went straight to sleep. And then he woke up 1.5 hours later, changed him cuz he was wet and of course he pees as I change him so wardrobe change #1 happens. Feed him again, he poops a big one, clean him up, doesn't go to sleep, fusses about an hour later so I change him because he's wet and he starts to poop again. Grossed out, I handle it in stride and didn't wake lissy. Wardrobe change #2, I feed him again and he sleeps for about an hour. I drink some tea and eat a doughnut. (in the midst of this, Gray is fast asleep) its now 9am and I go downstairs to feed him again and watch some television. I snap some pics, cuddle with the little guy as he plays on his tummy on my chest and feel great that I handled all that by myself without bothering Lisa. I've definitely come a long way and can't wait to spend more time with both my boys.

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