Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What a Week Part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of my weekend. The past week was filled with milestones for me and Lisa. But for me, the biggest part so far was the purchase of a new car. Part of this "going to be a parent" phase is handling change. And one change I have to make is getting a new car because the one we have now, a small 4cylinder Mazda3 hatchback isn't gonna cut it for us. Upon hearing the news of twins, our car of choice changed from a fresh SUV to a...wait for it...wait for it...a minivan...yes that's right, a freaking minivan. Yes it makes much more sense to cop one of these because its so much more spacious especially with 2 car seats and a double stroller and whatever else parents have to lug around. And our garage is small so the sliding doors definitely help. And while these are all great features, its still...a minivan. I never thought I'd be THAT guy. Life takes you in crazy directions. Places and situations you never thought you'd experience. I always wanted to be a father but to be a father to 2 babies at once is a lot to process for me. And a minivan will be great for the family no doubt about that. But...its that little feeling of autonomy that I will miss and probably won't ever get back until I leave this earth many many years from now. Things are changing for us. And we're handling it like champs. Its been 5 years alone in this big house of ours. Gone will be the days of going out to dinner or a movie at 9pm. We'll miss those days but I know when the 2 little rugrats arrive, our house and our lives will be filled with so much joy and fulfillment. Quick side story. I ran into a couple on the elevator at work who had twin boys, they were about a year old. They were heading to a casting call on another floor and I had to hold the door open for the dad who was folding up the double stroller with one hand while holding the one baby in the other. The couple was around my age too. I immediately told them that my wife and I were expecting twins this summer and we formed an instant connection in that 20sec elevator ride. Its such a crazy beautiful thing that parenting has this effect. One thing the father said really resonated with me. He said "Ever since they were born, I don't remember what my life was like without them." I was in awe. I stepped out of the elevator even more excited and we wished each other luck.

So on Saturday evening, Lisa and I picked up our brand-spanking new Toyota Sienna Minivan. And I gotta say, it is such a sweet ride. This was a huge step for us. This was OUR very first car together and we are going to fill it with our offspring! I have such beautiful memories of riding in my parents first car in 1985 with my 2 sisters in the backseat listening to Madonna on the radio...or 1010 wins which was my dad's favorite station. It was a Chevy Cavalier Station Wagon with patent leather interior. The back seat folded down so it could be used to pack all sorts of big stuff in there. I remember sitting in the back all those times we went to our local hardware store to pick up some lumber to fix our porch. Those were some great days. I can't wait for my sons to have memories like those. I only wish they could've met my dad. But I know he's in Heaven smiling and proud that he will finally have 2 grandsons that will carry on our name.

Below are a few pics Lisa snapped while in the dealership and at home. The minivan is definitely a beast, but I love it. I look forward to driving now, albeit for the 15 mins from Journal Square to home but still, its got wireless bluetooth connectivity so I can play the music on my iphone! Now I will be blasting biggie even MORE! Hi5! So all in all, it was a great week for us. Here's to another healthy 20 weeks! Now all I need a bumper sticker that reads "if that van's a-rockin', don't go a-knockin!"


  1. I love 1010wins! I agree with that dad, life before kids are composed of hazy, wild, happy memories. Looking forward to more good reads from you, especially looking forward to you and Lisa's 180 degree life changes when the kiddos arrive!
