Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This entry is about 4 months late to be it about pregnancy? Nah. But it's about something else which I have enjoyed this winter. Hot Chocolate! Yeah that's right, I'm blogging about a hot drink on the first (now second) day of Spring. But you know what, this isn't just any ordinary hot chocolate. This is the real deal! Check the pic below...

That's a homemade marshmallow in there! Where can you find this cup of goodness? It's at this spot on 18th St. between 5th and 6th aves called City Bakery. Trust me, this hot chocolate will change your life! There's nothing like walking out sipping a cup of this with the bitter cold hitting your face. I even got my friend Kathy and her family addicted to it. They would take a special trip out into the city from the 'burbs of south jersey just to partake in this sweetness.

Usually, at around 5pm I get that sugar craving that I need to get me through the rest of the day. And this hot chocolate has definitely fulfilled that craving. I've also tried their melted chocolate chip cookies and they are quite delectable. They are soft, freshly baked chocolate chocolate chip cookies. The morsels melt in your mouth!

I've tried a wide array of hot chocolate over the years from the boxed Swiss Miss with marshmallows to Max Brenners and this one from City Bakery blows the rest out of the water. I remember many winters of shoveling snow at my mom's house and coming in to a nice hot cup of Swiss Miss hot chocolate. My dad would always ask for tea with milk and I always asked mom for hot chocolate. It somehow only seemed fitting to drink after shoveling/during a snowstorm. Back then I had to shovel the front of the house and also dig out 2 cars...which sometimes took 2 outings in 1 day...which in turn resulted in 2 cups of hot chocolate! These days, I've been having to dig myself out of all the work that gets piled on from the 8 editors I work with [Do you see what I did there? I tied together my shoveling story as a teenager to working as an adult! Hi5!] and this cup of hot chocolate puts me at ease and gets me through the last few hours at work. Thank you City Bakery for pleasing my sweet tooth!

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