Friday, February 15, 2013


We've been using the term "Don't!" quite a lot lately. The boys are now 7.5 months and Gray moreso than Jericho is on the move and almost crawling. Here are some common phrases we've been using over the last few weeks to keep Gray in line:

Don't eat the remote!
Don't eat my phone!
Don't pull your brothers hair!
Don't pull your brothers arm so you can roll onto your stomach!
Don't climb out of your bed!
Don't climb into your brother's bed!
Don't head-butt your brother!
Don't spit up on your brother!

And yes those are all said with a slightly raised voice but of course all he does is look at us and laugh and go about his business. What a character.

Below is a pic of Gray in his favorite jumper at his Lola's house.

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