Friday, May 17, 2013


I haven't written a blog in 3 months! Not much has been going on that I haven't made the effort to write. Here are some important updates:

1) In February, the boys moved into their new room and began sleeping in their own cribs. HUGE step for us. We finally got our room back. The empty co-sleepers on either side of the bed started to accumulate our clean laundry that we were too lazy/unable to find time to fold. So just a few weeks ago, I broke them down and moved them into the basement. I'm a sentimental guy and I was a little sad when I was taking them down. The one on Lisa's side of the bed was put up the same day we brought the boys home from the hospital in July so I was really sad to see it go, yet happy that the boys are big enough to sleep by themselves. After all, getting Lisa to agree its time for them to move into their own room was the hardest part =)

2) In March, we celebrated Lisa's birthday in AC. Our friends joined us at our timeshare and it was really fun to get away. It was our first time traveling with the boys (first 3 hour car ride which they slept all the way through) and also their first time sleeping over in a new surrounding other than our house and their grandparents house. They both had diarrhea which totally sucked but hey, with twin babies, our getaways will never always be perfect.

3) The boys got sick many times throughout February and March and it was definitely frustrating because it seemed like they would catch another cold just 2 weeks after getting over another. Yeah yeah yeah it builds up their immunity but it gets quite stressful having 1 baby sick and then the other gets sick like 2 days later.

4) Both boys are crawling around and Gray is already standing and cruising. Jericho is almost there. Gray says "Da-Da" all the time and Jericho says "Ma-Ma" fitting hahaha. I'm pretty sure they both have no idea what either words mean but either of them saying "Da-Da" is freaking mindblowing. They also clap their hands whenever they're happy and also give hi-5s. Jericho has been doing a new thing lately. He goes on his knees and throws his hands up in the air as if he is praying and starts mumbling and laughing. Its quite a sight to see.

5) Gray is still a milk monster and still wakes up sometimes twice at night for a bottle and finishes every drop of it. Jericho sleeps through the night for the most part.

6) We are heading to LA with the boys on May 21-25. It will be their first plane ride so wish us luck!

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