Friday, January 25, 2013

The New Year!

Can't believe I haven't written a blog in so long. One of my few New Years Resolutions has been to blog more. What are the others you ask? To get my cholesterol down, exercise and eat healthy. Those 3 are all tied in together and I've started my healthy eating and exercise regimen 2 weeks ago. Since I don't have much time to pretty much do anything by myself at home, I've started doing the "10 Minute Trainer" workout which was brought to my attention from Kathy and when I told Lissy about it, she said that we bought it last year [and obviously never used it hahaha]. So watch out world, a new and improved Davie NeraWhat will be making an appearance this spring [hopefully]. I really want to get my heart rate up and lose some lbs so by the time the boys start crawling and walking this summer, I can play with them without getting winded. So wish me luck!

The boys are almost 7 months now! So if I can take a page out of Carly's book, here's what the boys are up to these days...

Grayson: Loves being on his tummy. He pushes his butt up in the air and buries his head in his bed and gets frustrated that he can't sit yet. Poor guy. He's been rolling around and really hates sleeping in his co-sleeper. He's already trying to crawl and will push himself forward while dragging his tummy. He loves remotes and iphones. He cries every time we leave the room because he thinks he's alone. He hates sitting in his bouncer chair, I think he grew out of it already. He likes when we rub his belly to calm him down before bedtime/naptime and he also likes when we sing to him. He still loves his milk and wakes up around 3 or 4 for a bottle still. When will he start sleeping through the night like his brother? Who knows...But at least he holds his own bottle now! He loves sleeping on his side and even rolls onto his tummy sometimes. But don't worry folks, we always check on him and most of the time, put him back on his side. He also loves to put anything and everything he gets his hands on into his mouth.

Jericho: This little guy is a bit lazier than his counterpart. He loves being on his back and playing. Lately he loves playing with the little yellow kite on his bouncer because he likes the sound it makes. So he would grab that with one hand and play with something else with the other, its pretty hilarious. He LOVES babyfood and we have to feed him more of it throughout the day to get his weight up, per our doctor at their 6-month checkup. He's also a kicker and uses his feet with his hands when playing with stuff. Like a cute little monkey! He's lazy when it comes to holding his bottle. He actually just lays there with his arms stretched out and waits till we put the bottle in his mouth. And anyone who has met them knows that Jericho is the social butterfly. He loves smiling and talking and gets so excited when we pick him up and squeals so loudly. He also really enjoys a game of peek-a-boo. They both crack up but Jericho has that hearty loud laugh. Gray is a silent laugher...just like me! He just started sleeping on his side by myself which is great because it will help to round out the shape of his little noggin. Like his brother, he also cries when we leave the room and he can't see where we're going. He likes to play on his tummy and would roll over like a ninja, he moves so quickly. My prediction is that Gray will crawl before Jericho but who knows, he might just come out of nowhere and do it!

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