Friday, June 22, 2012


Lisa is now 35 weeks! I'm so happy she's made it this far with twins, truly a blessing.

Ever since the 33 week mark, our doctor appts have been every week instead of every 2 weeks, which definitely puts me at ease just in case anything unexpected arises. A new addition to our appointments have been the NST which is the Non-Stress Test. It measures the babies heartbeats and is supposed to detect contractions and how close they are, etc. Our 33 week NST went great. She stayed hooked up to the machine for about a half hour and the doctor came in and signed off on the results which he said were great consindering they're twins in there. And then last week, we heard that big word...contractions! She was hooked up to the machine for about an hour and the nurse came by, took a look at the printout of the results and said "did you know you had 4 small contractions in the last hour?" and then she walked away. We both looked at each other like "Huuwhhhattttt?!" A million thoughts ran through my head from " i still have to put in the car seats" to "i have to still practice shooting video on my new camera." She stayed on the machine probably for another half hour and the doctor came by, took a look at the results and said he'll see us next week and if anything out of the ordinary happens, to come to the hospital. WHEW that was a relief. I googled contractions and it turns out women can have contractions that can last days, even weeks. My co-worker Kevin, who had twins a few months ago said contractions can last throughout the whole pregnancy. I'm definitely nervous about this upcoming life-change but hearing the word "contractions" really freaked me out. I stayed home the rest of the day to keep an eye on Lisa. After laying on her back for so long, she had a hard time walking which freaked me out further. Because in the morning on the way to the doctor's, she was fine. But after, I had to help her walk and get in and out of the car because of the all the pain that Baby A was causing since he's already upside-down and low.

On Wednesday we hit our 35 week mark and had our appointment on that Tuesday and it went great. During the sonogram, BOTH boys faced us for the first time and the "sonogram-ologist" [is that not their title?] was able to snap a picture of it. She said that they finally cooperated and didn't decide to hide this time.

We've got another 2 weeks to go until the craziness starts and we're both ready...sort of...its go time!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


The Nerahoo iPad app of the month is Paper by FiftyThree. Lisa loves this app and has drawn tons of caricatures of us and our friends...and also any random person she sees on TV. Check out the video below which was drawn and edited all on the iPad.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy 5 years to us!

Just a day late but...

2 buns in the oven + iPad 3 = the perfect 5 year anniversary!

I love when Lisa surprises me with a crazy gift. A few nights ago, she was asking me all these random questions about the size of my iPhone and iPad 2. And then on Friday she said she was going to Target to get me a anni gift so of course I thought I was getting a piece of furniture or t-shirts. But instead got this bad boy! I know you must be thinking I'm spoiled since I have the iPad 2 already but hey, this one has the retina display!! And Lisa will get the iPad 2 which I know she is ecstatic with because she is obsessed with this drawing app called Paper.

So what did I get Lissy? A very cool Gucci bag! We both thought this would be our last time buying each other expensive gifts with the babies coming hahahaha

To start off the day I made us some yummy Belgian Waffles. We built our first crib and we watched Snow White and the Huntsman. We're really party animals!

Indeed I couldn't be happier this year. We've both been so blessed! Here's to another 100 years of happiness!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Nursery!

Here are some before and after pics of the babies' room...

When we first bought the house back in 2006, this room which was labeled the "guest room" was the only one we never painted. We figured if we have guests, we don't want them to feel TOO comfy here and would in turn have to leave at some point hahaha. But anyway, what do you think of the color choice eh? I didnt want to go with the typical "blue room for the boys" so we chose a light brown for the walls and a yellow for the accents. Also, my office is blue so I didn't want 2 blue rooms in the house because well...thats just crazy-talk. At first, I thought the light brown looked too much like our living room and dining room downstairs but the next day after the paint dried and settled, I was very happy with how it came out. The yellow was an on-the-spot choice we made at Lowes. I figured I'll paint one window frame, see how it looked, and if I didn't like it, I'll just paint it white again. But I thought it looked pretty neat and decided to apply it to the trim, closet frame and door frame.

Since Lissy has been pregnant, I tried to cut down on all the hip hop I listen to and instead we've been listening to a lot of The Beatles. While I was painting and listening to Biggie/Fab/Wu/Drake I found myself getting really amped up. So I switched the playlist to Beatles and it was so much more relaxing and calming...just what I needed to finish it up in 6 hours and 2 coats...

My favorite Beatles tracks:
The Ballad of John and Yoko
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
Yellow Submarine
Strawberry Fields Forever

[BTW if any of you want the entire Beatles Collection, let me know, I'll hook it up FEEL ME!]

A special thank you to the Duncan Family for hooking it up with the changing table dresser. They've helped us out so much throughout the pregnancy. Carly was the first person I told about the twins and she has been so supportive to Lissy, offering her some great advice and tips. I couldn't be more thankful to have met such an awesome person at MTV many years ago.

So what do you crazy kids think of the room? Only about 6 more weeks to go yeahhh [fist pump]!!!