Sunday, December 16, 2012


I started this entry about 2 weeks ago when we ventured into the territory of trying the "cry it out" method with Grayson. He got into the habit of getting rocked to sleep and when we were staying at our friends house during the hurricane, it really bit us in the ass because he was very difficult to handle when he wanted to nap. I really wanted him to cry it out and self-soothe there but I felt bad letting the kid cry in a house that's not ours. So Lisa and I thought that since they're at her parents house most of the day, they should start letting him cry it out to fall asleep. So when Thanksgiving came around, Lisa and I told her parents and aunt to quit the rocking. I suggested just start to rock him until his eyes drop and then put him down and let him fall asleep himself. The warning wasn't enough for them though, they felt bad for him so they continued to do it...and it was becoming too much for us on weekends when we are with them the entire day. So we realized it was time to do it ourselves and quickly. So when the weekend came about 2 weeks ago on Saturday morning, I just decided it was go-time. He had already ate and was changed and was giving us his tired cry, the one where there's no tears just a whimper...and after about 5 minutes, that whimper turned to full on crying mode with long tears. I felt so bad for him so I kept him in his bed with his pacifier and I laid down next to him. I set my timer and after about 13min, he finally stopped, sucked on his pacifier, turned to his side and fell asleep...for over an hour! It was a great nap. After about 10 mins of the crying though, Lisa gave up and wanted to pick him up, but I insisted he was going to fall asleep eventually. Thank goodness I was right because I felt horrible during those 13mins. But when he fell asleep, I thought, "Holy shit, it worked!" A very proud moment for the both of us.

That same night at around 8pm, I could tell he was tired and he already had his bottle. I saw that he was rubbing his eyes and he just started his tired whimper. So I immediately brought him upstairs and put him in his bed and laid down next to him. With no crying at all, just a lot of tossing and turning, he fell asleep in like 20 mins. I was really astonished.

So when we dropped them off at her parents house that Monday, we were very adamant about not rocking this kid to sleep and told them what we did and how it worked and that if they continue the rocking, we'll have to start from square one which we DO NOT want to go through again. So they obliged and finally stopped. They said he's been great ever since. And he has been...sort of.

Just today, Lisa went to church with Jericho and I stayed home with Gray. He ate at 1130, we played a bit, he rolled around, spit up a few times, but was still in a good mood. And then 2 hours later, I knew he was tired and wanted to nap but was fighting it. So I put him down and he was screaming and crying. Again I felt bad and was debating whether or not to feed him again so he can fall asleep but I don't want him to get into the habit of always wanting a bottle to sleep. So I set my timer again while he cried and placed his pacifier on his chest so he can touch it. After only 4 minutes, he stopped, put his pacifier in himself and turned on his side and went to sleep. I breathed a sigh of relief. As for my patience, its constantly being put to the test but I've been getting better. And so has he. Hi5!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pics from the in-laws

I love getting pics of the boys when I'm at work and they're playing at their Lola's house. Technically they send it to Lisa and she photostreams them to are a few of my favorites...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Our First Thanksgiving

This is the first year since my pop passed away that I'm once again happy about the upcoming holidays and of course my birthday. When I was a kid, I used to LOVE Thanksgiving because it was the one day when we all sat at the same table to eat. Mommy and Daddy would season the turkey the night before and would wake up crazy early in the morning to pop it in the oven. By the time it was around 2pm, it would be all ready to get gobbled up (pun intended). We always ate early back then and also used break out the fine china that was in our cabinet. I used to just eat breakfast Thanksgiving mornings so by the time lunch came, and we were ready to eat, I would be able to stuff my face with all the yummy foods. We always made straight up traditional American foods like freshly mashed potatoes, stuffing, blueberry muffins, corn muffins and of course Tom the Turkey. We were sometimes joined by our neighbor from around the corner Nancy, an old Italian lady who would talk non-stop even with her mouth full. It was hilarious. She lived by herself and my parents met her when we bought another house on Garfield Ave. She lived next door with her brother John. Hmmm now I'm wondering if they're still alive? As the years went on when I was in HS, Meera met a guy at work named Sourika and he came over for Thanksgiving one year...and then eventually Justin was born and Reek never left hahahaha. He celebrated Thanksgiving with us for many years after that. One year we had both Reek and Nancy there...and it was hilarious. With Nancy talking as fast as she was eating and Reek's contagious laugh, it was really entertaining.

This year, we're celebrating Thanksgiving at my mom's house, our first time having it there since daddy passed away in Dec 2007. Now with the change in venue, I am really looking forward to celebrating our first thanksgiving with our boys at the house where I grew up. 

So how are we celebrating our first Thanksgiving morning? I whipped up some pancakes and sausage for us and we are in bed right now eating and watching the parade, like we have been doing each year since we moved in together. This will be our tradition every year....

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Despite the hurricane, the boys did get to dress up for Halloween for a friends' son's birthday/costume party. I wanted them to be 2 different superheroes but couldn't find costumes in their size. So we settled on Hot Dogs! The party was great, really great filipino food and cake pops! It was so great to see their cousins all dressed up too. Sofie and Sam were princesses, "Baby" Ryann was Snow White and little Jeter was Superman. At first, Gray and Jericho hated being in the costume but as soon as we rolled in there with our new double stroller (that was our first time using it), they both took it all in and was mesmerized by all the different kiddies in their costumes. I forgot my camera so I had to use my phone for all our pics. Take a look below...

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Hurricane

I've been meaning to write this post since we got power back last Tuesday. After the power went out Monday night, it was like we were living in the primitive electricity, no heat and no cell phone service. All we had was a hand-crank radio that thankfully my buddy Rich bought for us off our wedding registry. We roughed it with the babies in the house for 2 nights and it was a little scary because they are only 4 months and every few hours, we would wake up to make sure they were warm and snuggly. And then on Wednesday night at like 7pm, that same friend who bought us the handcrank radio we've been using, came knocking on the door to pick us up and take us to their house in South Plainfield where power was restored earlier that day. We're so blessed to have great friends who would drive an hour in crazy traffic for us. We packed up the car and as I looked down the street as the sun was going down, it really looked like a scene from Walking Dead...without the zombies. Crazy seeing absolutely no one outside and all the houses dark. We spent the entire week there with some of our other friends and had a blast. Peep the pics below...

A huge thank you to Rich and Kat for taking us in. My mom was really grateful we were able to find shelter with you guys and said "that's when you know your friends are family." The boys had a great time playing with Nicolai and Noah. Every night we would stay up after putting the kids to sleep and chit chat and laugh till our stomachs hurt. Great times even under those circumstances. Also thank you to Kat's Mom and Carmela and Ray for helping with the boys.