Thursday, March 6, 2014

Neratwins Update!

I haven't posted in many moons! Been pretty busy obviously. But just wanted to write a quick update on the boys. Every time I try to think back before they turned 1 to something specific like the first time we gave them baby food, I can't ever seem to remember the exact month (I think it was around 6-7 months). So I thought blogging about what they're up to would be a good way to keep track of some fun stuff. Here we go:

1) They love walking around our living room and LOVE trying to get into the kitchen [if they get past our gate!]. They started playing with our water dispenser and of course that makes a mess. We had to childproof the kitchen the most because they would get into all the cupboards and also play with the oven knobs. So we got that all covered. The cupboard locks are a bitch to open and close...guess thats why its childproof haha. When in the kitchen, they love playing with our recycling...old cardboard milk cartons and stuff.

2) Their vocabulary is slowly improving. They can say: up, car, dada, mama, hi and bye, uh-oh. They also started shaking their heads "No" which is frustrating and hilarious.

3) Lisa just started this little game with them. She yells "ready? set? go!!!" and they both take off running...even during a tantrum they're having or if they're fighting with each other. Its pretty hilarious

4) We are starting to ween them off bottles. We stopped giving them bottles of milk during the day and only give it to them through a straw in a cup. And the biggest hurdle so far was not giving a bottle during bedtime. So we had to establish a new routine with them that has been just takes longer to get them to wind down. We bring them in their room

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