Sunday, October 7, 2012


It's 4am and I just finished feeding Grayson and this boy is still wide awake fighting his sleep. He's been laughing and playing so much more just like Jericho these last 2 weeks and it really warms my heart to see that we have 2 sweet playful happy boys. Of course when I saw that Jericho was making more eye contact and smiling more than Gray, I immediately got worried and started thinking why, if they're twins, was one more advanced than the other? I know babies develop at different rates but hey, I'm new at this parenting thing and I got worried. It seems like as soon as Gray hit that 3 month mark, he started spitting up less, smiling more and making more eye contact. It's been really rewarding seeing the boys start to do different things. They've also started to sleep longer at nights and can go 6-7 hours without a feeding. Sure they still wake up around 3 or 4 but its definitely an improvement than the every-2-hour schedule.

So anyway, I had one of my wisdom teeth pulled out today and am still in some pain. Lisa noticed I looked miserable for those first 6 hours after I got home and said "and that's why men can't have babies!" Hahaha and while that is true, she also had a wisdom tooth pulled last week and was fine. But mine was impacted and attached to a bone and feeling the pressure and hearing cracking in my mouth as it was being taken out was not cool. So I'm awake now and I just took 1 of the 2 pills that was prescribed. The 2nd one I have to take at 5 and that one is for the pain and I have to take it on a full stomach. My sister dropped off some of mommy's homemade bread for us (pictures below), I toasted that badboy, fixed up a cup of tea and had a nice little late night meal. It's crazy that as soon as I smelled the bread and the tea together, I was immediately teleported back in time with this exact same meal at this exact hour...when I was 20-something and in pain from my wisdom teeth coming in. I didn't have any benefits back then so I just had to bare the pain. I remember I used to take the cup of hot tea and put it directly on my cheek to ease the pain and swelling. I think thats how I remained so skinny in my 20s, from not eating. I love reminiscing of those days...days when The Nerahoo Family consisted of the 5 of us...days when I used to fall asleep on the couch and my dad would wake up at 3am, cough and drag his slippers on the carpet so we won't get startled if we're awake, would cover me with a blanket, place his hand on my head and say "go to sleep my son" and turn off the tv for me. Sometimes I used to wake up at 5am still on the couch, nice and cozy because my dad put that blanket on me to keep warm. It was tough being an adult living in your parents house because you want freedom but you still want to hold on to your family. In my 20s, I finally started to understand that my dad had a sickness, a horrible addiction to alcohol that affected his brain, his behavior, his judgment. But through it all, all those times I fell asleep on the couch, he ALWAYS put a blanket on me and tucked me in on that couch. I may not have always appreciated him then but now, he's all I think about as I experience fatherhood.

The last 3 months have been a beautiful experience. My mom had asked me how it felt to be a dad and I told her that my life is now complete. I can't picture life without them and I couldn't be happier. I haven't looked forward to the holidays this much since before daddy passed away 5 years ago (wow can't believe it's been 5 years!) I now have my own family of 4 to celebrate with and start our own traditions.

Whenever I dream, it usually takes place in mom's house and the 5 of us are living happily as if nothing has changed, as if my dad is still alive and we're all watching TV in our living room. Those were the happiest moments of my life...then...but now, it's a combination of those memories and memories with my new family.

Sometimes I'm still in awe that the 4 of us are now the new Nerahoo Family. I love it!

Till next time folks, gotta take my pain meds.