Thursday, September 6, 2012

2 Months Old!

Our boys are 2 months old already! They're actually 9 weeks to be exact. On Tuesday we had our 2 month doctor visit and it went great! Grayson is now 10lbs 12oz and Jericho is 9lbs 6oz. I can't help but think that some babies are born at this weight and it took our boys 2 months to reach it! But with lots of prayers, love, help from family and a whole lot of formula accompanied with spit-up, the boys are BOTH on par with where they should be development-wise. It turns out that all the worrying with them spitting up is just us being crazy parents because they are obviously keeping more of it down. People have told us that in a few more months, they'll just outgrow spitting up and wont need to be rocking bibs 24/7. They also got their first round of vaccines and they handled it like champs! Sure they cried so hard that it went silent for a few seconds but Jericho fell asleep soon after and Gray was too hungry to stay sad. He went from the painful cry to his hunger cry almost instantaneously. After a few ounces of milk to calm him down, we headed out to pickup some grown up food.

That day, I was able to leave work at 330 to make the appointment and it was so great to be back in Jersey that early. I need to find a job locally after this Mob Wives thing ends. I would do anything to be home sooner to spend time with the boys. I hate missing out especially this early in the game.

Well I'm on the bus and I'm almost home (I'm already home btw). Gonna try and cook some dinner for us tonight! What's on the menu? Stay tuned...that'll be my next blog post...if it turns out edible haha.

Below are a couple of pics before the boys got their shots.